Aberdeen City Council
August 2020

Greyhope Road Embankment

WM Donald carried out works to the embankment adjacent to Greyhope Road in August 2020. The works involved installing a main line sewer while replacing existing headwalls, reinstating the road, as well as importing vast quantities of rock armour to protect the area from the sea. Unlike many other projects dictated by house sale dates this project had to work around the tide!

Our client, Aberdeen City Council, also introduced a new method of managing the contract with a system called CEMAR. This system is a cloud-based contract management solution for NEC3, NEC4 and FIDIC. Using the system to highlight any design updates and associated changes to price or programme was a breeze. All parties involved in the project could use CEMAR to share drawings, Project management instructions and any other communications vital to keep the project moving efficiently.